The occasion of a 150th anniversary is gratifying. It is an in indication of the endeavour of a masonic unit, Lodge or Chapter, to reach the next milestone in their history. Bushey Park Chapter No 2381 have reached that important milestone. This took place on Thursday 7th November
A total of 38 attendees enjoyed this auspicious and historic occasion, which was celebrated by the Induction of the Principals – E Comp Martin Lambert as MEZ for a second year, E Comp Steve May as H, and E Comp Mark Heath as J.
Below is a brief synopsis of the Chapter and how it came into being.
On 20th June 1874 Lebanon Chapter No 1326 was consecrated. After being in existence for some 36 years, the Chapter, in 1908, applied for permission to be detached from Lebanon Lodge No 1326 and be attached to Bushey Park Lodge No 2381. This request was granted by both Lodges, probably because at this time few, if any, members of Lebanon Lodge supported the Chapter. The move from the Red Lion to the Greyhound Hotel, Hampton may also have had something to do with it. The transfer was finally completed in 1909, giving the unusual situation of the Chapter being older than the associated Lodge.
In the past the main intake of members was from Kenyngton Manor Lodge No 7488, until it surrendered its’ warrant in 2015. New members now come predominately from Sunbury Lodge No 1733.
To mark this 150th anniversary, the Chapter was honoured with the presence of the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp John Eynon with the DepProvGDC, E Comp Kevin Saunders. The escort consisted of E Comp Martin Mellamphy, E Comp Sorab Patel, E Comp Adam Camp, and E Comp Keith Watson.
Also present were, E Comp Geoff Stuttaford, APGP, E Comp Don Campbell, APGP (Honorary member), E Comp Mark Millard, ProvGDC and Chapter VO, E Comp Peter Gledhill.
See here for further details of the history.