They All Did Meet And Agree

L to R: E Comps John Eynon, PGSwdB, DepGSupt. Peter DeWolfe, PGStB, 2ndProvGPrin. Andrew Elliott, PAGDC, PAPGP, ‘H’. David Allan, ME GSupt. Chris Weeks, PAGDC, PAPGP, ‘MEZ’. Howard Hughes, PGStB, 3rdProvGPrin. Mark Heath, PAGDC, PProvGReg, ‘J’. Mark Millard, PGStB, ProvGDC. Photo Credit: Stan Marut PPrGReg, News Editor, Middx PCC.

Report on the installation Meeting of Middlesex First Principals No 3420.

Middlesex First Principals Chapter No 3420 met at Twickenham on Monday 25th November on the occasion of the Installation meeting. The Chapter was opened by the First Principal E. Comp Mike Karn PAGSoj P3rdProvGPrin. It was with sadness that he gave brief eulogies of three Chapter members who had recently passed and whose memories were honoured. These were E. Comp Franklin Parnell PPrGSE, E. Comp Rajendra Patel (Raj) PProv1stAGSoj, and E. Comp Brian Guyett PAProvGP. The Companions stood to Order with respect to departed merit.

After the regular Chapter business The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, E. Comp Mark Millard PGStdB formed an Escort and the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent in and over the Province of Middlesex, David Allan, was admitted together with other members of Provincial Grand Chapter. He then invited to take the Chair of First Principal.


After welcoming the former Provincial Grand Superintendent. E. Comp Peter Baker, he greeted visitors from other Provincial First Principal’s Chapters particularly those representing Clerkenwell First Principals, as well as others from Berkshire, Sussex, West Sussex and Hertfordshire. E. Comp David then proceeded to give an update as to what was happening in the Province. Firstly, at a recent business meeting with the Pro GM it was firmly put that there is to be only one registration fee for both Craft and the Royal Arch and that Initiates were embarking on a four stage journey of which the fourth stage would be taken in a candidate’s own time.

He then discussed to notion of inclusiveness in the Province especially with reference to the Middlesex Cares initiative. It was proposed to set up financial planning training and explore initiatives to make freemasonry more affordable. Not only this, but also the addressing those health issues which were common to many of our members including that of mental health.


E. Comp David then proceeded to talk about membership and the promoting of inter Lodger and Chapter connections and community ties through social and networking events. A supporting framework was to be built for widows and widowers ensuring that no member or their dependents would feel disconnected. In 2025 the Province would formally launch the Acacia Club for widows and partners of members.

He stated that the most effective method of recruitment was through social media and that the Province through the auspices of the Communications Team was recruiting members who could assist in graphic design, data base management as well as social media content owners which would assist in providing the requisite amount of marketing to attract more members. If help was needed in this respect, then the Provincial Grand Scribe E should be contacted.

The Centre Chairman forum had been reintroduced and E. Comp David stated that the Centres are an intrinsic part of how freemasons could serve their communities. A Province wide programme was being instigated to make this happen.

He then thanked all the Companions for their attendance and for a well-attended meeting.


The matter of Installation was then attended to, and the following Companions were dully Installed:

  1. Comp Chris Weekes PAProvGP as First Principal
  2. Comp Andrew Elliott PAProvGP as Second Principal
  3. Comp Mark Heath PPrGReg as Third Principal

The Elected Officers were Invested and then the other Chapter Officers appointed and invested. Following this the Chapter received the Almoner and  Charity Steward’s Reports. E. Comp Peter Lawrence, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward proposed that the Chapter donate £250 to the Teddies for Loving Care Provincial Charity. This was passed by the Companions.

The Chapter was then closed and then the members retired to the bar and the festive board.

The date of the next meeting of Middlesex First Principals would be held on Monday 24th March 2025 at 5.00pm.

Festive Board Photos

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