St Clair Chapter No 2902 become Patrons of the TLC Middlesex Charity.
St Clair Chapter No 2902 met at TDMC on Saturday 30th November. It was the Installation Convocation. The Chapter has supported the TLC Charity and recently decided to become Patrons. The Patronage scheme allowed Chapters to pledge £50 per annum over a five year period to become Patrons. However, members of St Clair Chapter decided at the previous meeting to donate the full amount of £250. There is strong support for the Charity and experience of the good work it does in paediatric departments in hospitals in the Middlesex area.
It was also the Installation Meeting, and it was good to see the progression from Principal Sojourner, Comp Nigel Fisher to the Third Principal’s Chair with the full ceremony being conducted with sincerity by E. Comp David Orchard PProvDepGDC. Equally, the Installation of First Principal, E. Comp Darryl Bubb by E. Comp Peter Harper ProvDepGDC installed with the same quality of ritual. The Chapter prides itself on its tradition of not reading from the “book” and the members work hard on their ritual.
The newly Installed First Principal then Invested his Officers for the forthcoming year and it was heartening to see that the Sojourners roles were being allocated to newer Companions as well as others in Stewards roles.
The next Convocation will be in March 2025 and the Chapter has a candidate for exaltation.
L to R: E. Comp Nigel Fisher (newly Installed J). E. Comp Stan Marut PPrGReg (Charity Steward),
Billy the Bear ProvGTed, E. Comp Darryll Bubb (newly Installed MEZ) and E. Comp David Orchard PProvDepGDC